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Experience how amazingly simple methods can be used to leave familiar paths in order to bring balance, strength and vitality back into the daily adventure of "life". With simple exercises accompanied by music, rhythm and movement, we tread new, eventful paths that and private life can be managed more easily and with more appreciation for you and your fellow human beings. We playfully implement what we have experienced in our body and integrate it at the same time. The experience is automatically integrated into life and implemented the very next day via the intelligence of our body cells (psychism of the cells). This method enables you to act from your own center with simple and moving exercises, in order to experience more lightness and joie de vivre.

  • Causes the experience of lightness and joie de vivre

  • Fast switching from job to free timerecognizing one's own strengths

  • More creativity for everyday lifeauthentic and self-confident appearance

  • Strengthening of self-awarenessRecognize and preserve personal limits

  • Mutual appreciation in everyday dealings

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